Turning Point Studios is a beautiful, well-equipped Pilates training center.

What’s in a Name?


Hexagram for Turning Point

The name “Turning Point Studios” comes from the I Ching, which is an ancient book of Chinese wisdom. The I Ching is a collection of 64 hexagrams each with a specific meaning and association.

The hexagram for “Turning Point” or Return is composed of one solid line on the bottom and five broken lines above it. It is associated with the winter solstice when the light first begins to return after the darkness of winter. This is also the time when movement and creativity begin to stir again after a time of darkness and hibernation.

Many of our clients come to us looking for a change, a turning point, where they can discover or rediscover the pleasures of moving in a smoothly functioning body. We are here to help facilitate this transformation.