How do I register?
Please complete our application form, then you’re ready to register for the class you wish to attend.
How is your program different?
There are several different trainings out there and many of them are taught by good instructors. That said, this training is taught by two of the most experienced teachers in the Bay Area. Julie and Naomi have been teaching Pilates for more than 20 years each and both have been teaching teachers for more than 10 years. Both of them have spent many years teaching Pilates for rehabilitation and they bring a lot of their clinical experience to bear on the teacher training. Our goal is to do more than just teach the exercises, our goal is to teach you how to be the best teacher you can be. We teach the Full Balanced Body Curriculum so people completing the training at Turning Point are eligible to become a fully qualified Balanced Body Pilates Instructor.
What if I have to miss one of the weekends?
If you are interested in completing the training as quickly as possible the best option is to go to the Balanced Body website and find another host site offering the class you will miss. If you want to do all of your training at Turning Point you will need to wait until the following year and take the class then. Meanwhile we suggest you take a couple private session to get caught up on the material you missed so you can continue the remainder of the training.
Do I have to take the courses in order?
The Mat classes must be taken in order, Mat 1 followed by Mat 2. This is because the bulk of the Balanced Body Pilates Movement Principles are taught during the Mat 1 weekend and then built on during Mat 2.
Can I start with Reformer 1?
We recommend that you start your training with the Mat portion of the program as this is where the key principles of Pilates are developed and the Pilates Movement Principles are explored in detail. If you have already completed a mat training and/or met the prerequisites (including 20 mat classes) you may begin with the Reformer 1 weekend. (Note, that to become a fully qualified Reformer instructor, completion of the Mat portion is required.)
Do I have to take all the courses at Turning Point?
Balanced Body has designed its course to be modular therefore, you do not have to take all your classes at the same studio. We have found that most people get greater satisfaction working with classmates and instructors over time rather than switching from one place to another for each module.
I took anatomy in college do I still have to take the anatomy class?
At Turning Point Studios we offer much more than your typical book and projector anatomy class. We offer the dynamic and interactive Anatomy in Three Dimensions. In this class students will build all of the muscles being discussed in clay. Using your hands and a specially designed skeleton you will develop a deep understanding of the structure and function of the human body from the inside out. If you are unable to attend or if you feel you have already had enough anatomy training you can “test out” by completing a written exam prior to the completion of your training.
What do I need to do to prepare? What are the prerequisites?
We recommend a minimum of six months to one year of consistent experience with Pilates and the ability to perform the intermediate level exercises on the mat and apparatus before beginning the comprehensive program. Experience teaching dance, movement, yoga or personal training is highly recommended. A letter or verbal recommendation from your current instructor is also recommended.
For list of prerequisites for each module please go to:
How long does it take to complete the full program?
The rate of completion depends on many variables; access to equipment, access to clients and availability (i.e.; if you are working/in school/parents or not) and most importantly your focus and personal commitment. If you are motivated and committed to working steadily toward your goal students can test out 10-14 months after completing the course work. Much depends on your time commitment and how ready you feel to test out. We want to stress that the hours given in the requirements are a minimum. You are absolutely welcome to teach more, exploring and developing your skill and confidence, building a truly solid foundation for teaching.
When can I begin my required hours?
The personal sessions can include any sessions or classes done at any time, and in truth are often best completed prior to starting the training.
The Observation and Student Teaching hours can begin once the course work (not including anatomy) has begun.
Do I have to do all my hours at Turning Point?
No. In fact we encourage you to travel to different studios to watch a variety of teachers for your observation hours. Your student teaching hours can be completed wherever you have access to equipment, however we do have incentives for the Balanced Body students actively enrolled in the Refomer and/or apparatus classes at Turning Point Studios.
What is the total cost?
The cost for the course work is between $3800 – $4400 for the Comprehensive training. This does not include the cost of materials, sessions, exams or any other fees.
Will I be able to get a job when I’m finished?